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- Cockatoo Parrots
- Bare Eyed Cockatoo (Little Corella)
- Black Palm Cockatoo
- Citron Cockatoo
- Goffin's Cockatoo
- Major Mitchell's Cockatoo
- Moluccan Cockatoo
- Rose Breasted Cockatoo Parrot
- Slender-billed Cockatoo
- Sulphur Crested Cockatoo (Triton, Lesser and Greater)
- Sun-Brella Cockatoo
- Triton Cockatoo
- Umbrella Cockatoo Parrot
- Red Tail Black Cockatoo
- Conures
- Black Capped Conure
- Blue Crown Conure
- Brown-Throated Conure
- Crimson-Bellied Conure
- Dusky-Headed Conure
- Fiery- Shouldered Conure
- Gold Capped Conure
- Golden Conure (Queen of Bavaria)
- Green Cheek Conure (Many Color Mutations)
- Halfmoon
- Jenday Conure
- Maroon Bellied Conure
- Mitred Conure
- Nanday Conure
- Patagonian Conure
- Peach Fronted Conure
- Rosiefrons Conure
- Sun Conure
- White Eye Conure
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